We are looking forward to welcoming you back to Linwood for the 2022-2023 school year! Here are a few things to help you prepare for the first day of school;

1. Due to privacy legislation, we are no longer able to post class lists at the school. You will be able to log onto your School-Day account on Saturday September 3 to check which class your students are in this year. We will send you detailed information on how to do this next week. We also have planned a process to help students find their classrooms and teachers on the first morning of school.

2. The Linwood Office is back open on Monday August 29 and you can reach us between 8:30am-4:00pm at 519-698-2680. You may also email lin@wrdsb.ca if you have any questions.

3. We have included a list below of supplies parents may wish to bring in September.


Please LABEL your child’s belongings.

FDK Students
At this time, kindergarten students are asked to bring a lunch bag, reusable water bottle, and a
change of clothes in a labelled Ziploc bag. (in case of spills or accidents) Kindergarten educators
will communicate to families if there are any additional supplies needed in the fall.

Grade 1, 2 and 3
-whiteboard markers
-pencil case (moderate size to fit in desk)
-sharpened pencil crayons (grade 2 and 3 only)
-headphones in a labelled Ziploc bag
-pencil sharpener
-reusable water bottle

Grade 4, 5, and 6
-pencil case
-pencil sharpener
-a coloured pen
-highlighters: 2 different colours
-basic calculator
-30 cm ruler
-sharpened pencil crayons
-headphones in a labelled Ziploc bag
-protractor (grade 5 students only)
-reusable water bottle

Grade 7 and 8
-protractor and compass
-inexpensive calculator
-pencil case
-loose leaf, lined paper
-sharpened pencil crayons
-one package of subject dividers
-two 3-ring binders (1” to 1.5” size, in different colours)
-one three-ring notebook
-30 cm ruler
-highlighters: 2 different colours
-ear buds
-one artist sketch book
-reusable water bottle